Hey My Neighbor the Zombie Fans!!!!! Check out this incredible art that our amazing Carlo Cassani has created! What do you think? Excited? Yeah? We thought so!!! I bet you just can't wait until you can send these creepy zombies to attack your friend's house and steal EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED FROM THEM!!!! MUAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!

Zombie - "Just A Guy" 

Zombie - aka "Sassy"

Zombie - "Quarterback"

Zombie - "Hilly Billy"

Zombie - "Biohazard"
Zombie - "The Cop"

Zombie - "The Cheerleader"
Game Species - an innovative game studio and social enterprise.


Flavia said...

I wanna pet that Zombie. I'll keep it in my basement and feed it. A domesticated Zombie could be something worth trying. Nice art!

Guillermo Biasini said...

Looking good Cass. Keep it up!

Flavia said...

The Fat zombie looks like our Dad when he's super pissed off at Folco (our little brother) Hahahahahha.

Flavia said...

I say I don't look like that little zombie girl. Am I not right?? My brothers say I do. F@&k no!