And our INDIEGOGO campaign is ON!!!!

Friends, family, zombie hunters, not so greedy people, we have finally launched our Indie GoGo Campaign!

Join us in making this a reality.

Check it out:

Spread the word, spread the LOVE!!!


My Neighbor the Zombie Banner with klepto zombies and logo 


Who: Zombie Hunters! (Or anyone else that wants to save the world.)

Not a Zombie Hunter?  Come anyway! How often will you get to see zombies in downtown Palo Alto? And free coffee!

The Password:
“Klepto Zombies”
- gets you free coffee!

1pm - 7pm
Wednesday July 11, 2012

Coupa Cafe in downtown Palo Altocoupa cafe logo
538 Ramona Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Agenda Highlights:
- Watch our 5 min training video
- Talk to the Game Species Gang and get smart about hunting klepto zombies
- Try out Coupa Cafe’s brand new drip coffee
- Zombie face painting


How do I join the zombie hunter army? Connect on Facebook, Twitter, or Google Group:



Google Group:!forum/my-neighbor-the-zombie

....We're saving the World, One Zombie at a Time!....
~The Game Species Gang

The situation is dire - I’m not going to lie.  The little green men have made it clear to me that it’s coming and it’s only a matter of time.  How much time, I’m not sure, but the point in fact is that there is no time to waste.

Kleptomaniac zombies will soon roam the earth in hoards, breaking into our houses and stealing all of our favorite things - that lucky pair of jeans
, your grandmother’s jewelry, the flat screen TV, even those veggies you’ve been homesteading...everything will be at risk, no one is safe.  Don’t get left behind!
zombies trolling the earth
Governments are keeping it under wraps, newspapers have been silenced, and even Jon Stewart dare not speak of it.  After polluting the planet so heavily, a strain of bacteria called Greediola Coli (aka the “Greed” bacteria) is spawning and soon it will infect 99.997% of the planet’s human population, turning them into frenzied consumerism driven kleptomaniac zombies.  Don’t be one of them - prepare yourself NOW!

They say that when the “Greed” bacteria infects you, you don’t feel it right away.  It drives you towards your strongest addictions. For some, that’s porn or alcohol, but for most of us it’s STUFF.  And eventually, anyone infected will cave to the addiction to STUFF.

But don’t panic - WE ARE HERE TO HELP!  We call ourselves the Game Species Gang.  We are highly trained in the arts and computer programming. We are masters of video game creation. We are rebels looking to save the world from the darkest threat it has ever encountered.  We are developing a game where you will be able to practice fighting off kleptomaniac zombies, keeping you, your family, your friends, and your valuables, safe.  But this game is a bit like inception - it has multiple planes of reality.  For as you play the game, it will have real world repercussions.  More on that later.

The “green people” or “little green men” from somewhere far, far away - a distant planet or parallel universe - have traversed worm holes and skirted black holes to deliver to us the secrets of keeping the looming Kleptomaniac Zombie Apocalypse under control.

little green man who has come to advise us on klepto zombie matters

The green people have explained to us that the Klepto zombies are not necessarily violent by nature. In fact, they’re normally vegans (imagine that!) As long as they get to satisfy their obsessive need to steal stuff, their bloodlust is kept in check.  HOWEVER! If the zombies are not allowed to satisfy their kleptomania, they become violent and bloodthirsty.  The zombies are in many ways like mindless, helpless children who need direction - that’s why the survivors need to keep the zombies in their basements and take care of them - at least until a cure or solution can be discovered.
basement in game shot

So come to the training - we’ll fill you in on how to be the best klepto zombie hunter you can be.  We’ll have a few infected klepto zombies to show you - but don’t be scared - our zombies are well-trained and we're the best in the world
at keeping zombies under control.

How do I become a kleptomaniac zombie hunter?

Join us in kicking off our kickstarter campaign!  We are an indie game studio (Game Species, Inc.) and we’re recruiting zombie hunters for the Kleptomaniac zombie apocolypse. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to attend the training day, watch the video, and become a backer for our awesome new video game, titled:
“My Neighbor the Zombie - Attack of the Kleptomaniacs”

We’re taking our vision and putting it in the hands of the people.  We’re a new kind of company and we care about three things: people, planet, and play. We’re social entrepreneurs and we need your help to create an awesome video game where you will become skilled at fighting off KLEPTOMANIAC Zombies.  While you play, your actions in the game will have real-world consequences...good real world consequences. Actually, let’s just go ahead and call them prosequences, like installing solar panels on rooftops, or supporting nurseries in Sudan.

saving the world one zombie at a time as slogan with a bunch of a zombie hands holding up the earth

What should you bring to the training?
Most important: bring yourself.  

Next, there will be zombies, so we encourage you to come in your best zombie hunter apparel, but leave the axe and other weapons at home. We have WAY more sophisticated weapons under development with our R&D group.  You bring you, and we’ll provide the caffeine and training, including face painting lessons, so you can blend in with the zombies and practice going incognito to spy on their behaviours. This will probably be a big hit with young kids, and, hey! One is never too young to start preparing for the Klepto Zombie Apocalypse.

Revving Up For Our Kickstarter Campaign

It's been an exciting past couple of months - we've been working like crazy putting together a kickstarter campaign!  Have you heard of kickstarter?  No?  Well - we hadn't either until a few months ago when a friend suggested we put our project on it.  We'd been approaching many VCs and publishers and they all loved the game, but weren't crazy about the non-profit part of the game (you know - the part where IF YOU WANT TO you can CHOOSE to donate to your favorite environmental non-profit/NGO).

Kickstarter is a crowd-sourced fundraising tool - you can learn more about it here:

Check out the behind-the-scenes shots of the making-of-the kickstarter video!
Kickstarter - Behind the Scenes

In other news - we have made huge improvements with the game physics - it's more realistic and smoother than ever.  And we've been digging into the game design and balance to make a truly challenging and addictive tower defense.

Incredible 3D Illustrations of My Neighbor the Zombie

Hey people, youngsters, hippies, lovers, dreamers, gamers, players, pimps or anyone reading this!!

Somehow you - whether on purpose or by sheer luck - you have found the blog, some of us (not sure exactly who) created to share the evolution of our new Social 3D Video Game: MY NEIGHBOR THE ZOMBIE!!

Well.. Yes, we got tired of 2D lousy looking video games on Facebook, and we have decided that a team of sexy looking nerds, along with your help, can create a whole new experience of social gaming.

This time, the zombies will not eat anybody, (the vegan touch),they will go to your friends´ virtual houses, to bring you valuable stuff!! But watch out!! They can steal from your house too!

If you are not bored to death yet, read the next posts, and find out more about WTF is this!! 

All original art from the artist Carlo Cassani.

PS: we ARE Sexy!! Being honest...with love and peace, the Game Species Gang

The Basement where you keep your zombies for safe keeping.  Here is well you will feed and train your zombies, as well as plan out your attack strategies.

Snapshot from the Unity webplayer

Super Goat - Now Selling Superstar Weapons
Zombie Boy - Feed you zombies the very best guts available!

Game Species - an innovative game studio and social enterprise.


We have some more awesome zombie art for you to enjoy - our artist and game designer Carlo Cassani has been working tirelessly to produce 3D models of the zombies!  What do you think?

"Hill Billy"




Game Species - an innovative game studio and social enterprise.


Hey My Neighbor the Zombie Fans!!!!! Check out this incredible art that our amazing Carlo Cassani has created! What do you think? Excited? Yeah? We thought so!!! I bet you just can't wait until you can send these creepy zombies to attack your friend's house and steal EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED FROM THEM!!!! MUAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!

Zombie - "Just A Guy" 

Zombie - aka "Sassy"

Zombie - "Quarterback"

Zombie - "Hilly Billy"

Zombie - "Biohazard"
Zombie - "The Cop"

Zombie - "The Cheerleader"
Game Species - an innovative game studio and social enterprise.

This are the 3 main scenarios of the game:
1. The NEIGHBORHOOD where all the real action happens (shoot those green clepto`s and stop them from breaking into your house). 
2. Your cute little 50`s HOUSE. Pimp it as u wish! (We should make an MTV show about how you guys are pimping your houses!!).
3. And the creepy BASEMENT. Home of your Zombies (they deserve a cozy house too!!) Don´t forget to feed them or they won´t have the strength to go to your friends´ houses and steal some cool stuff for you.

Game Species - an innovative game studio and social enterprise.