
Social Video Games: Just go to our games section and play them. No need for more boring explanations. Too busy for that…

Music: Some of our nerds have inexplicable music talent, that goes way beyond what we need. So if you are interested on getting these guys to create some music for you or your game, just shoot us an email, and be ready to give them something cool in exchange (money is cool by the way!).

Video and concepts: In an exotic South American paradise known as Venezuela we discovered two of the most remarkable specimens of a legendary raze. The native call them “MORF”.  As a survival mechanism, this extremely evolved species has developed the capability to secrete the juiciest ideas. But wait… there is more! After those ideas mature they morph into the most amazing videos your eyes have ever seen.
Politically correct or not, we chose to clone them for a greater good. (As you can see here) If you want to lay hands on one of our clones, Shoot us a mail and we will arrange a close encounter.